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Shipping Services

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Shipping Services

Having strategically positioned warehouses throughout the United States (Savannah, GA, Houston, TX, New Jersey, NJ, Jacksonville,
FL, Baltimore, MD, CA, Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, IL), and establishing direct contacts with prominent ship lines (MAERSK,
ONE, MSC, and many more). A & R  stands as your go-to choice for exceptional shipping services.
Your vehicles deserve the best, and we deliver excellence in every shipment.

Mix Shipping Services

Mix Shipping Service, where precision meets variety, if you are starting car dealership journey or looking to expand your experience, we recommend you to use our mix shipping services:

1. Our mix shipping services are especially for mix customers, start ups and who are willing to text and check our quality services.

2. Mix shipping allows you to optimize costs by shipping without the need to reserve an entire container.

3. We offer +30 days free storage in our UAE and Oman yards for all our mix shipping customers.

4. With Mix shipping the option to sell your vehicles directly from our yard is made available for your convenience.

Other Services

You choose the cities where you’d like to deliver. All deliveries are within a specific service area
and delivery services vary by location. Whatever the mode or requirement, we will find and book
the ideal expedited shipping solution to ensure a timely delivery.